Wednesday, February 15, 2012

August 2011

Yep...I'm a little behind BUT I am working on catching up!!
I have my Project Life album for 2011 FINISHED!!!  Yay!!
The girls absolutely love looking through it over and over...that makes it all worth it!!  :)
So check out our August from last year...

This day is becoming tradition!!  We get together with the Brown kids...they all
have a blast!!

We have a great group of friends that we go to the beach with.  This day the tide was coming in and
the kids all decided to frantically build a wall to STOP the water from coming up the beach!!
Remember those days when you actually thought that was possible!!??  I love it!!

Girl cousins at Melanie's birthday party!!

Here are a few of my favorites from our Disney trip...

Our family picture in front of the cake at Melanie's party.

Hurricane Irene knocked out our power so we played some games while it was still light enough.

We were without power for 4 days!!  My dad brought his generator up for us to use...thank goodness!!
We were able to plug in the frig, microwave and TV!!  Thanks Dad!!

Open House in Katie's 4th Grade classroom!!

Melanie turns TWELVE!!!!

The 6th grade doesn't have open house the night before the first day of school but we did go
find her homeroom so she'd know where to go on the first day.

Melanie was THRILLED to get a Vera Bradley for her school bag!!

Make a wish!!

Melanie decided she wanted a Disney themed party for her family birthday.  She wanted to make her
own cake by herself...she did FABULOUS!!

This is amazing to me...these girls put on a show for us everytime we get together!!!
I remember making up shows but never did we actually preform them!!
A round of applause to you girls!!

Well there you have it...August!!  Hopefully September won't be too far behind!! 