Thursday, September 15, 2011

June 2011 POTM

Here are our photos from June.  Again, another fun, busy month!!!  Our pictures from May are on
the main Gift of Time Photography blog...oops...posted them on the wrong
blog.  I guess that's what I get for letting too much time go in between blog posts!!

Katie's third grade class sang the National Anthem at the Brockton Rox Game.
It was a beautiful day and the kids all had a blast being together!!

Emily did a fantastic job in her dance recital.  I love this expression!!

Hat day at the middle school.  This somberro was Gramma and Smiley's.  It makes me
laugh everytime I see this picture!!

Katie bridging from Brownies to Juniors!!  Wow how time flies!!

We posed in front of our favorite store in Maine (besides L.L.Bean) Day's Store!!
We all went up to Belgrades Lakes for Gramma and Smiley's Memorial service.

Last day of school pool party with friends!!  Perfect day for it!

Poor Melanie had surgery to remove a tooth that "lost its way".
We were VERY proud of her...she was so brave!!!
Well there you have it...June!!!  July is coming soon!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

April 2011 Photos...

Here are our photos from April...
 We had Emily over during April vacation and the girls painted wooden bird houses!!
 These bubble trays were out at Nana and Papa's on Easter for the kids to make giant bubbles with.
 Pittsburgh and Rizzo enjoying the sunshine and each other's cute!!
 I came in 1st and Dennis in 2nd during our annual Easter Egg Fight!!  WooHoo!!!
 The girls love coloring the eggs for the egg fight at Nana's on Good Friday.
 This was Melanie's second competition of the season in Providence RI.

 Emily and Uncle Brendan at her 6th birthday party.

 Melanie and Katie were SOOO excited to get Grammy and Grampy's old iPhones as their own iTouches!!!  Melanie sure was surprised!!!
 Katie's egg...
 Melanie's egg...
During Katie's 3rd grade concert she played the kazoo and had a singing solo!!!  We are so proud!
I love this picture!!! 

Hope to have May photos up as soon as June arrives!! Enjoy the sunshine!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

March 2011 Photos!!!

These are photos from our March of 2011

 In March East Bridgewater has parent teacher conferences.  This is Melanie with one of her 5th grade teachers, Miss Pereira.  She said that Melanie is doing wonderfully in school!!!
 Katie is waiting outside her classroom door for Mrs. O'Connor to come out and welcome us in for Katie's conference.  Mrs. O'Connor said that Katie is a wonderful student to have in her class!!!
 In November, we planted some tulips from one of Auntie Amy's friends...they are popping up.  Thank goodness...that means spring is on the way!!
 Katie is very excited about her new shoes she got for the Father/Daughter dance!!!
 Melanie and I went out to dinner at the 99 when Katie and Daddy went to the dance.
 Melanie's 1st competition of the season at Brockton High School.  This is her jazz routine to Name Game.
 YUM...we each had a cupcake from Britley's Cupcakes in West Bridgewater.
 Katie did an amazing job singing in the talent show at her school!!!
 Katie with her friends at the Father/Daughter dance!

 The Jr All Star team won Best Overall and a Double Platinum Awards at the competition!!!  Way to go!

Katie and Daddy ready for the dance!
                                                                        Beautiful Katie!!!

I have done some PT for my I am ready to break these out again!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

February photos

These are our pictures from February...

This box of chocolates Melanie got from her CCD teacher...pretty good, huh?
Well, since she doesn't like chocolate (crazy kid!) Katie and I dove right in!!!

All this snow is crazy and danergous!!  The ice dams are making me nervous!!

After watching many cake shows on TLC the girls were begging to make cakes and cupcakes.  Since I was recovering from surgery, Daddy and the girls baked up a storm!!

Such a pretty face!!

Katie has been practicing endlessly to blow a bubble with bubble gum...
by golly she got it!!!

Katie did a great job frosting and decorating her cupcakes all by herself!!

We celebrated my birthday at Grammy and Grampy's.  Here I am with my girls!!

Melanie is hard at work making her cake.  She has decided, after watching a whole bunch of cake shows on the TLC channel, that she would like to be a cake decorator!! 
I think that she would be great at it...she can make ANYTHING out of ANYTHING!!!

Melanie did a great job frosting and decorating her cake too!!

This was my birthday very favorite brownie!!!
Candy cane brownies (I froze some from Christmas)

Here's my real birthday cake!!!  It was GOOOOOD!!
Thanks to Auntie Bonnie!!

Pittsburgh, my little cuddle bug!!

On the road to recovery...

Rizzo kept me company while I was sitting in the recliner....I was lucky....she sits with noone!!!

Well, there is February.  Now we are hoping that March brings some warmer weather to melt this stinkin' snow that has covered our yards since before Christmas!!!  Bring on the green, March!!!
