Friday, March 4, 2011

January 2011 potd photos I go...year 3 of our Picture a Day or "Project Life" album.  This year I may do more of a Pictures of the Month instead of Day.  Here are our January photos...

Icicles hanging from the gutters outside the slider in the back of the house.  My family thought I was crazy standing on a chair with the sliders open and the FREEZING cold air coming in the house to take pictures of icicles.  GREAT photo ops!!!  AND....BRRRRRR!!!

Katie with girls from her Brownie troop selling Girl Scout Cookies at Lowes in the COLD!!!

Another snow day and this one was with no power!!!  The girls made a fort on the couch and did some reading.

A the snow.

The amount of snow we have is unbelievable!!!  It is going to be here forever!!!

Both girls had projects due on the same day!!  We took advantage of a snow day to get them done!!  Yea us!!!

On another snow day we played games.  Slam is one that we got for Christmas.  "Snow" was an appropriate word for the day...again!!!

There you have it!!! January!!!  February is coming soon....    Stay tuned....


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